A Sportsman’s Sketches. I. Turgenev (English)
Иван Сергеевич Тургенев. «Записки охотника». Перевод на английский язык
Автор/Author: Иван Сергеевич Тургенев / Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev (1818—1883)
Оригинальное название/Original title: Записки охотника
Перевод на английский /Translated — Constance Garnett
Страна/Country: Российская империя /Russian Empire
Язык оригинала / Language original: русский /Russian
Язык этой книги / Language this book: английский / English
Опубликовано/Published: 1852
Жанр/Genre: Сборник рассказов / Collection of short stories
A Sportsman’s Sketches (also known as The Hunting Sketches and Sketches from a Hunter’s Album) was an 1852 collection of short stories by Ivan Turgenev.
It was the first major writing that gained him recognition.
He wrote this collection of short stories based on his own observations while hunting at his mother’s estate at Spasskoye, where he learned of the abuse of the peasants and the injustices of the Russian system that constrained them.
01. Hor And Kalinitch
02. Yermolaï And The Miller’s Wife
03. Raspberry Spring
04. The District Doctor
05. My Neighbour Radilov
06. The Peasant Proprietor Ovsyanikov
07. Lgov
08. Byezhin Prairie
09. Kassyan Of Fair Springs
10. The Agent
11. The Counting House
12. Biryuk
13. Two Country Gentlemen
14. Lebedyan
15. Tatyana Borissovna And Her Nephew
16. Death
17. The Singers
18. Piotr Petrovitch Karataev
19. The Tryst
20. The Hamlet Of The Shtchigri District
21. Tchertop Hanov And Nedopyuskin
22. The End Of Tchertop Hanov
23. A Living Relic
24. The Rattling Of Wheels
25. Epilogue: The Forest And The Steppe
Перевод «Записок охотника» И.С. Тургенева:
Русский (Original) Записки охотника
Français Récits d’un Chasseur
Deutsch Aufzeichnungen eines Jägers
Italiano Memorie di un cacciatore
Español Relatos de un cazador
I. S. Turgenev. A Sportsman’s Sketches. English Edition
И.С. Тургенев «Записки охотника» на английском языке
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