The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe. Original

Даниель Дефо. «Робинзон Крузо».  На английском языке

Robinson Crusoe. Daniel Defoe (English)Информация о книге

Автор /Author: Даниель Дефо / Daniel Defoe (1660 — 1731)
Страна /Country: Великобритания /United Kingdom
Язык оригинала/Language original: английский / English
Язык этой книги /Language this book: английский/English
Опубликовано/Published: 1719

Жанр/Genre: приключенческий роман, детская литература / Adventure novel, Children’s literature


Robinson Crusoe is a novel by Daniel Defoe, first published on 25 April 1719.

It was published under the full title The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Of York, Mariner: Who lived Eight and Twenty Years, all alone in an un-inhabited Island on the Coast of America, near the Mouth of the Great River of Oroonoque; Having been cast on Shore by Shipwreck, wherein all the Men perished but himself.

With An Account how he was at last as strangely deliver’d by Pyrates.


Перевод романа «Робинзон Крузо» Даниеля Дефо:

Русский Робинзон Крузо

Français Robinson Crusoé

Deutsch Robinson Crusoe

Italiano Robinson Crusoe

Español Robinson Crusoe