Captain Mayne Reid. The Scalp Hunters. Original

Капитан Майн Рид. «Охотники за скальпами».  На английском языке

The Scalp Hunters. Mayne Reid Информация о книге

Автор / Author: Thomas Mayne Reid / Томас Майн Рид (1818 — 1883)
Страна /Country: Великобритания, США  /United Kingdom, USA
Язык оригинала / Language original: английский / English
Язык этой книги  / Language this book: английский/English
Опубликовано/Published: 1851

Жанр/Genre:  приключенческий роман  /Adventure novel


A wonderful Western adventure novel by Captain Mayne Reid.

When Haller meets up with the mysterious Seguin after picking up with some praire merchants he instantly falls in love with his daughter Zoe.

The innocent romance progresses to the point that he wishes to ask for her hand in marriage but when approached Seguin says that he will allow it if Haller helps him to rescue his other daughter Adele from the Indians.

So starts a rollicking adventure across the Western plains in pursuit of the Navajo Indians who abducted her when just a child.


Перевод романа «Охотники за скальпами» Майна Рида:

Русский   Охотники за скальпами

Français  Les Chasseurs de chevelures


Mayne Reid. The Scalp Hunters. English (Original)

Роман Майна Рида «Охотники за скальпами» на английском языке

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